Lunch with Biggie Podcast

Lunch with Biggie Podcast

Over the years I have become a huge consumer of audio podcasts, and I finally had the opportunity to be a guest on one of my favorites.

I got to spend some time speaking with my good friend Biggie, from the Lunch with Biggie Podcast.  We talked about how I got started in beard care, and how my concept grew into a business.  We also spoke about the challenges of choosing and doing events, as well as, much more.  

It was such a fun experience, despite having to listen to my recorded voice. Does anyone like hearing the sound of their own voice? Please check out some of his other amazing guests here. Or you can find the Lunch with Biggie Podcast on your preferred podcast platform.  I hope you enjoy my story and thank you for listening.

Beard On!


Lunch with Biggie is an Orlando, FL-produced podcast about small business and creatives sharing their stories and inspiring you to pursue your passion, with some sandwich talk on the side. Created, edited, and produced by Biggie- the owner of the sandwich-themed clothing brand- Deli Fresh Threads.



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